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Showing posts from March, 2019

Awanti Polymoulds:- One of the best plastic bottle mould manufacturer in India

Whenever a “Plastic moulds” word comes then “Awanti Polymoulds”come first. This is one of the best plastic bottle mould manufacturer in India . Poly is a Greek words its meaning “many”. Awanti Polymoulds makes different types of plastic bottle moulds for various purposes with quantity and quality. We assured you for durability and strength of the product. Awanti Polymoulds pioneer and leader in the designing, manufacturing and testing of blow  moulds for Polyethylene terephthalate  (PET) bottles. Since 1990 we are in this industry. Shirish Kshirsagar is the founder, chairman and managing director of Awanti Polymoulds. Under his leadership and guidance, the company has grown from a small machine shop to a world-class manufacturing unit, serving to global customers. We have highly skilled and technically strong designer and technicians. We always carry bottle whether is it glass or plastic. Many times whenever we want to carry water we use plastic water bottol.Awanti ...