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Awanti Polymoulds:- One of the best plastic bottle mould manufacturer in India

Whenever a “Plastic moulds” word comes then “Awanti Polymoulds”come first. This is one of the best plastic bottle mould manufacturer in India. Poly is a Greek words its meaning “many”. Awanti Polymoulds makes different types of plastic bottle moulds for various purposes with quantity and quality. We assured you for durability and strength of the product. Awanti Polymoulds pioneer and leader in the designing, manufacturing and testing of blow moulds for Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles. Since 1990 we are in this industry. Shirish Kshirsagar is the founder, chairman and managing director of Awanti Polymoulds. Under his leadership and guidance, the company has grown from a small machine shop to a world-class manufacturing unit, serving to global customers. We have highly skilled and technically strong designer and technicians.
We always carry bottle whether is it glass or plastic. Many times whenever we want to carry water we use plastic water bottol.Awanti polymoulds makes plastic bottle moulds using this moulds plastic bottle is made. Water, cold drinks or soft drinks industries many big names plays big role in the bottled beverage industry. Few big names in bottled water industry are Bisleri, Bailey, Kinley, Aquafina and Manikchand. Awanti Polymoulds are one of the best Bottle mould manufacturers in India. We are one of the best blowing machine manufacturers in India and responsible for making great plastic bottle moulds. We have the privilege of working with all these major brands. To know more visit our website.
Basically blow moulding is a making hollow plastic part and make container joining these part. It is available in many shapes and sizes also. Blow moulding and injection moulding are one of the highly utilized techniques and commonly used with this technique we produce high quality plastic parts in minimum cost so this is great cost effective way. Blow moulding is an old technique used to create hollow objects. In Blow moulding many factors are involved such as “type of a plastic, velocity, speed, temperature. Air is one of the important factors and plays a vital role in blow moulding. Air pushed into the mould to expand it and give it the desired shape. Blow moulding  process is very easy, highly utilized and includes low cost machines, manufacturing plastic bottles using this process is much cheaper as compared to injection moulding. In blow moulding moulds isn’t required for making high precision mould. We are not compromise on quality of product and maintaining our accuracy to last mm.
 Many industries uses Blow moulding because they can produce large numbers of blown container in less time with perfect shape, size, quality, so they can achieve standardization in product. Due to the efficiency of blow moulding this process can utilised in many industries for manufacturing a variety of products such petrol tanks, flower pots and containers. Due to the development of Placo X-Y machine which gave rise to 3D blow moulding the automation of the entire process has been possible. The automation has increased the speed of production and made the process of assimilation and integration of various parts super easy.
 We are best in manufacturing mould as well as exporting mould. We are exporting from last 20 years over 15 countries now. Our service is not stopping just delivering the products; we provide support service or any technical backup up to the customer’s satisfaction. The major factor about exporting a product is “In time delivery and Easy delivery” which we very diligently follows. We make sure that we try and give premium quality products in the most reasonable and affordable rates.
We have an in-house facility for mould testing. Our machinery is of a globally reputed. We are capable of testing moulds of various pack-sizes and applications like water, soda, juice, oil, liquor, pharma etc.
Awanti also has fully operational, international standard bottle testing laboratory. It is equipped with the latest equipment to perform critical tests like base crack, bottle burst, base clearance and material distribution tests. Although mould manufacturing is our core activity, mould and bottle testing are additional services which we provide to global companies and beverages giants.
Due to these verified testing methods we at Awanti Polymoulds are well qualified for manufacturing high quality PET moulds, which are universally used in a plethora of beverage applications. PET bottles need highly accurate moulds therefore utmost care is taken while manufacturing those moulds and even higher caution is observed and undertaken while testing the moulds.
In the process of testing all the problems and obstacles that drastically affect and reduce the efficiency of the product are eradicated. A proper schedule is maintained, followed and performed to ensure, assure and safeguard the process of mould manufacturing and its smooth sailing.
The end result of all this is a great quality product, which translates into maximum customer delight!

Here are some names of our clients and leading brand Coca-Cola, Parle, Agro, Bisleri, Oxyrich and Patanjali.


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